Understanding Logical Operators

Introduction to logical Operators

Logical operators are essential in Swift programming, enabling developers to perform boolean logic operations on multiple expressions. These operators return true or false based on the evaluation of conditions and are widely used in loops and conditional statements to control program flow effectively.

List of Swift Logical Operators

Operator Name Example Output
&& AND true && false false
|| OR true || false true
! NOT !true false

Using the AND (&&) Operator

The && operator returns true only if both expressions evaluate to true. If any one of them is false, the result will be false.


Expression1 && Expression2

Example: Checking Eligibility for an Exam

import Foundation

let age = 22
let height = 185

if (age > 18) && (height > 182) {
print("You are eligible for the Police exam")
} else {
print("You are not eligible")


You are eligible for the Police exam

Using the OR (||) Operator

The || operator returns true if at least one of the expressions evaluates to true. If both are false, the result will be false.


Expression1 || Expression2

Example: Checking Job Eligibility

import Foundation

let marks = 640
let experience = 3

if (marks > 500) || (experience > 4) {
print("You are eligible for the PO Post")
} else {
print("You are not eligible")


You are eligible for the PO Post

Using the NOT (!) Operator

The ! operator inverts a boolean value. If the condition is true, it turns false, and vice versa.


Example: Inverting a Boolean Expression

import Foundation

let x = 20
let y = 40

if !(x > 0 && y > 0) {
print("Given values are greater than 0")
} else {
print("Given values are less than 0")


Given values are less than 0