Understanding Comparision Operator

Introduction to Comparision Operator in Swift

Comparison operators are fundamental tools in Swift, enabling developers to compare values and expressions efficiently. These operators return Boolean values (true or false) and are widely used in loops and conditional statements to control program flow.

List of Swift Comparison Operators

Name Example Output
Equal to (==) 56 == 56 true
Not Equal to (!=) 56 != 78 true
Greater than (>) 56 > 32 true
Less than (<) 44 < 67 true
Greater than or Equal to (>=) 77 >= 33 true
Less than or Equal to (<=) 21 <= 56 true

Using the Equal to (==) Operator

The == operator checks whether two values are identical.


value1 == vlaue2

import Foundation

let password = "XP123"

if password == "XP123" {
print("Welcome!! Entered password is correct")
} else {
print("Error!!! Please enter the correct password")


Welcome!! Entered password is correct

Using the Not Equal to (!=) Operator

The != operator verifies if two values are different.


value1 != vlaue2


import Foundation

let str = "ali"

if str != "Ahmed" {
print("Both strings are not equal")
} else {
print("Both strings are equal")


Both strings are not equal

Using the Greater than (>) Operator

The > operator checks if the left-hand value is greater than the right-hand value.


value1 > vlaue2

Example: Summing Values Greater Than 50

import Foundation

let arr = [3, 55, 2, 44, 66]
var sum = 0

for x in arr {
if x > 50 {
sum += x
print("Sum = \(sum)")


Sum = 121

Using the Less than (<) Operator

The < operator verifies if the left-hand value is smaller than the right-hand value.


value1 < vlaue2

import Foundation

let arr = [1, 55, 2, 90, 12]
var sum = 0

for x in arr {
if x < 55 {
sum += x
print("Sum = \(sum)")


Sum = 15

Using the Greater than or Equal to (>=) Operator

The >= operator confirms whether the left-hand value is greater than or equal to the right-hand value.


value1 >= vlaue2

Example: Checking Voting Eligibility

import Foundation

let age = 18

if age >= 18 {
print("You are eligible for voting")
} else {
print("You are not eligible for voting")


You are eligible for voting

Using the Less than or Equal to (<=) Operator

The <= operator determines if the left-hand value is less than or equal to the right-hand value.


value1 <= vlaue2


import Foundation

let num = 18

if num <= 20 {
print("Given number is less than or equal to 20")
} else {
print("Given number is greater than 20")


Given number is less than or equal to 20