Understanding Swift Dictionaries

Introduction to Swift Dictionaries

A dictionary in Swift enforces strict type checking, ensuring that only the correct data types are stored. Each dictionary entry consists of a key and a value. Keys must be unique, but values can be duplicated.

Key Features of Dictionaries:

  • Unordered Data Storage: Items are not stored in a specific order.
  • Unique Keys: A key can be an integer or a string but must be unique.
  • Mutability: Dictionaries assigned to variables are mutable, while those assigned to constants are immutable.

Creating a Dictionary in Swift

Dictionaries are defined using square brackets and a colon (:) to separate keys and values. Swift allows dictionaries with mixed key-value types.


var someDict: [KeyType: ValueType] = [key1: value1, key2: value2]


import Foundation

var colorCodes = ["red": "#FF0000", "blue": "#0000FF"]
print( colorCodes )


["red": "#FF0000", "blue": "#0000FF"]

Accessing Dictionary Values

You can retrieve values using subscript syntax, keys property, or values property.

1. Using Subscript Syntax

Retrieve a value using its key:

var someDict = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]
if let value = someDict[1] {
print("Value of key 1 is \(value) ")
} else {
print("Value not found")

// Accessing All Keys
let keys = someDict.keys

// Accessing All Values
let values = someDict.values


Value of key 1 is One
[2, 3, 1]
["Two", "Three", "One"]

Modifying Dictionaries

Dictionaries in Swift are powerful data structures that allow you to store key-value pairs efficiently. Modifying dictionary elements, updating values, and removing key-value pairs are essential operations in Swift programming. This guide covers various methods to modify dictionaries with easy-to-follow examples.

Updating Dictionary Values Using updateValue(forKey:)

Swift provides a built-in method, updateValue(forKey:), to modify the value associated with a specific key. If the key exists, the method updates its value and returns the old value. If the key does not exist, a new key-value pair is added.


func updateValue(value, forKey: key)


import Foundation

var numbers: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]
print("Original Dictionary:", numbers)

let oldValue = numbers.updateValue("Four", forKey: 2)
print("Updated Dictionary:", numbers)
print("Replaced Value:", oldValue ?? "None")


Original Dictionary: [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]
Updated Dictionary: [1: "One", 2: "Four", 3: "Three"]
Replaced Value: Two

Modifying Dictionary Elements Using Subscript Notation

Another way to update dictionary values is by using bracket notation ([]). This method allows direct modification by assigning a new value to a specified key.


Dictionary[key] = newValue


import Foundation

var colors: [Int: String] = [1: "Red", 2: "Green", 3: "Blue"]
colors[1] = "Yellow"
print("Updated Dictionary:", colors)


Updated Dictionary: [1: "Yellow", 2: "Green", 3: "Blue"]

Removing Key-Value Pairs from a Dictionary

To remove a key-value pair, Swift provides the removeValue(forKey:) method. If the key exists, the method removes the key-value pair and returns the deleted value. Otherwise, it returns nil.


Dictionary.removeValue(forKey: key)


import Foundation

var fruits = [101: "Apple", 102: "Banana", 103: "Cherry"]
print("Original Dictionary:", fruits)

let removedValue = fruits.removeValue(forKey: 102)
print("Updated Dictionary:", fruits)
print("Removed Value:", removedValue ?? "None")


Original Dictionary: [101: "Apple", 102: "Banana", 103: "Cherry"]
Updated Dictionary: [101: "Apple", 103: "Cherry"]
Removed Value: Banana

Removing All Elements in a Dictionary

Swift provides the removeAll() method to clear all key-value pairs from a dictionary.


import Foundation

var cities = [201: "New York", 202: "London", 203: "Paris"]
print("Original Dictionary:", cities)

print("Updated Dictionary:", cities)


Original Dictionary: [201: "New York", 202: "London", 203: "Paris"]
Updated Dictionary: [:]

Iterating Over a Dictionary in Swift

Swift provides multiple ways to iterate over a dictionary efficiently. Whether you're working with key-value pairs, extracting index positions, or converting dictionaries into arrays, Swift offers convenient methods to simplify the process.

Using a For-In Loop to Iterate Over a Dictionary

The for-in loop is a straightforward way to loop through all key-value pairs in a dictionary.

import Foundation

var numberWords: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]

for (key, value) in numberWords {
  print("Key: \(key) , Value: \(value) ")

Using the enumerated() Function

The enumerated() function returns both an index and the corresponding key-value pair, making it useful when you need index tracking.

import Foundation

var numberWords: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]

for (index, element) in numberWords.enumerated() {
  print("Index: \(index), Key: \(element.key) , Value: \(element.value) ")

Converting a Dictionary to an Array in Swift

You may sometimes need to extract keys and values separately into arrays. Swift makes this easy.

import Foundation

var numberWords: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]

let keysArray = Array(numberWords.keys)
let valuesArray = Array(numberWords.values)

print("Keys: \(keysArray) ")
print("Values: \(valuesArray) ")

Using the count Property

To determine the number of elements in a dictionary, use the count property.

import Foundation

var numberWords: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]
var moreNumbers: [Int: String] = [4: "Four", 5: "Five"]

print("Number of elements in numberWords: \(numberWords.count) ")
print("Number of elements in moreNumbers: \(moreNumbers.count) ")

Checking if a Dictionary is Empty

The isEmpty property helps check whether a dictionary contains any elements.

import Foundation

var numberWords: [Int: String] = [1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"]
var moreNumbers: [Int: String] = [4: "Four", 5: "Five"]
var emptyDict: [Int: String] = [:]

print("Is numberWords empty? \(numberWords.isEmpty) ")
print("Is moreNumbers empty? \(moreNumbers.isEmpty) ")
print("Is emptyDict empty? \(emptyDict.isEmpty) ")


Is numberWords empty? false
Is moreNumbers empty? false
Is emptyDict empty? true