Understanding Fall-Through Statement

Swift Fallthrough Statement: Understanding Its Role in Switch Cases

What is the Fallthrough Statement in Swift?

In Swift, a switch statement is designed to exit as soon as the first matching case executes, unlike in C and C++, where execution continues to the next case unless explicitly stopped with a break statement.

However, Swift provides a fallthrough statement that allows execution to continue to the next case, even if the first condition is met. While this behavior can be useful in some scenarios, developers generally avoid it as it may reduce code readability and lead to unexpected behaviors.

Syntax of Switch Statement in Swift

Below is the general syntax for a switch statement in Swift:

switch expression {
case expression1:
fallthrough // Optional
case expression2, expression3:
fallthrough // Optional
default: // Optional

If the fallthrough statement is omitted, execution will exit the switch statement after executing the matching case. Let's explore this concept with examples.

Example 1: Switch Statement Without Fallthrough

This example demonstrates how Swift exits a switch statement after executing the matching case.

import Foundation

var number = 20

switch number {
case 50:
print("The number is 50")
case 20, 30:
print("The number is either 20 or 30")
case 10:
print("The number is 10")
print("No match found")


The number is either 20 or 30

Since 20 matches a case, the program executes the associated statement and exits the switch.

Example 2: Switch Statement with Fallthrough

Now, let's see how adding fallthrough affects execution.

import Foundation

var number = 20

switch number {
case 50:
print("The number is 50")
case 20, 30:
print("The number is either 20 or 30")
case 10:
print("The number is 10")
print("No match found")


The number is either 20 or 30
The number is 10

Here, because of fallthrough, execution continues to the next case, even though it doesn’t match the value.