First Program in Swift

When starting with Swift, the first step is understanding how to write a simple program. In this section, we'll walk you through creating your first Swift program while exploring the fundamental building blocks of the language—variables, constants, literals, and comments

Your First Swift Program

Let's start by writing a simple "Hello, World!" program. Open your Swift environment (Xcode, Playground, or any Swift compiler) and type the following:

print ( "Hello World!" )


Hello World!

This one line of code introduces some key concepts about Swift syntax. Now, let's build on this and dive deeper into variables, constants, literals, and comments.

Understanding Variables in Swift

In Swift, a variable is a named storage location that holds data. Each variable has a specific type, defining the values it can store and the operations applicable to it.

Key Characteristics of Swift Variables

  • ✔ Statically Typed – A variable’s type is fixed at declaration and cannot change.
  • ✔ Mutable – Its value can be modified after declaration.
  • ✔ Declared with var – The var keyword is used for variable declarations.

Declaring Variables in Swift


var variableName = value


Declaring a Single Variable.

import Foundation

// Declaring variable
var num = 100
print ( "Variable:" num)


Variable: 100

Declaring Multiple Variables in One Line

Swift allows multiple variable declarations in a single line, with values separated by commas.


var variableA = value, variableB = value, varaibleC = value


import Foundation

// Declaring multiple variables
var variableA = 50, variableB = "swift", variableC = 5.9
print("Variable 1:" variableA)
print("Variable 2:" variableB)
print("Variable 3:" variableC)


Variable 1: 50
Variable 2: swift
Variable 3: 5.9

Key Takeaways

  • Swift variables are statically typed but mutable.
  • Declared using var before use.
  • Multiple variables can be declared in one line.

Type Annotations in Swift

In Swift, type annotation explicitly defines the type of value a variable will hold at the time of declaration. It is useful for clarity but not always required because Swift infers types from assigned values.

  • Ensures Type Safety – Helps prevent unintended type assignments.
  • Improves Code Readability – Clearly states what type a variable holds.
  • Required for Empty Variable Declarations – When a variable is declared without an initial value.

Syntax of Type Annotation

Following is the syntax of type annotations −

var variableName : Type = value


Declaring a Variable with Type Annotation

import Foundation

// Declaring a variable with a type annotation
var myValue : String = "Hello World"
print( "Variable:", myValue )


Variable: Hello World

Declaring Multiple Variables with the Same Type

Swift allows multiple variable declarations of the same type in a single line, separated by commas.


Following is the syntax of multiple variables −

var variableA, variableB, varaibleC : Type


Declaring Multiple Variables with Type Annotation

import Foundation

// Declaring multiple variables in single-type annotation
var myValue1, myValue2, myValue3 : Int

// Assigning values
myValue1 = 50
myValue2 = 60
myValue3 = 70

print ( "Variable Value 1:", myValue1 )
print ( "Variable Value 2:", myValue2 )
print ( "Variable Value 3:", myValue3 )


Variable Value 1: 50
Variable Value 2: 60
Variable Value 3: 70

Key Takeaways

  • Swift infers types automatically but annotations improve clarity.
  • Use type annotations when declaring variables without an initial value.
  • Multiple variables of the same type can be declared in one line.

Naming Variables in Swift

Proper variable naming is essential for writing readable, maintainable, and error-free code. Swift enforces strict rules when naming variables to ensure clarity and consistency.

Swift Variable Naming Rules

  • Can Contain Unicode Characters – Swift supports non-English characters:
    var 你好 = "你好世界" // Allowed
  • Cannot Contain Special Symbols or Spaces – Variable names cannot include:
    • Mathematical symbols (+, -, *, /)
    • Arrows (→, ←)
    • Private-use Unicode scalar values
    • Line and box drawing characters
  • Must Start with a Letter or Underscore (_) – Cannot begin with a number:
    var myValue = 34 // ✅ Allowed
    var _hiddenVar = 10 // ✅ Allowed
    var 1stValue = 100 // ❌ Not Allowed
  • Swift is Case-Sensitivevalue and Value are different variables:
    var value = 10
    var Value = 20
    print(value, Value) // 10 20
  • Cannot Use Reserved Keywords Directly – Use backticks for reserved words:
    var `break` = "Swift" // ✅ Allowed
    print(`break`) // Swift
  • Cannot Re-declare a Variable with the Same Name – Even if the type is different:
    var age = 25
    var age = "Twenty-five" // ❌ Error: Cannot redeclare variable
  • Cannot Convert a Variable into a Constant (let) – Once declared, it must remain the same type:
    var name = "Swift"
    // let name = 10 // ❌ Error: Cannot change variable to constant

Printing Variables in Swift

To print variables, use the print() function. Swift supports string interpolation using backslash \() syntax.


Printing Variables

import Foundation

// Declaring variables
var name = "swift"
var version = 6.0

//version of swift
print ( "version of \(name) is at version \(version) " )


version of swift is at version 6.0

Understanding Constants in Swift

A constant in Swift is a fixed value that cannot be modified after it is assigned. Constants are useful when you need to store values that never change during the program's execution.

Declaring Constants in Swift

Constants are declared using the let keyword.


let constantName = value


Declaring a Constant.

import Foundation

// Declaring constant
let const = 10
print ("Constant:" , const)


Constant: 10

Constants Cannot Be Changed

Once a constant is declared, trying to modify it will result in an error.


Attempting to Modify a Constant

import Foundation

// Declaring constant
let constA = 42
print ("Constant:", constA)

// Assigning value to a constant
constA = 43
print ("Constant:", constA)


/tmp/iloPscGF01/main.swift:8:1: error: cannot assign to value: 'constA' is a 'let' constant
constA = 43
/tmp/iloPscGF01/main.swift:4:1: note: change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable
let constA = 42

Declaring Multiple Constants

You can declare multiple constants in a single line, separating them with commas.


let constantA = value, constantB = value, constantC = value


Multiple Constants in One Line

import Foundation

// Declaring multiple constant
var constA = 55, constB = 99, constC = 33
print("Constant 1:" , constA)
print("Constant 2:" , constB)
print("Constant 3:" , constC)


Constant 1: 55
Constant 2: 99
Constant 3: 33

Type Annotations with Constants in Swift

Type annotations allow you to explicitly define the type of a constant. This helps improve code clarity and ensures that a constant holds values of a specific type.

Declaring a Constant with Type Annotation


let constantA: Type


Using Type Annotation with Constants

import Foundation

// Declaring multiple variables in single-type annotation
let myValue1: Int = 50
print ( "Variable Value 1:", myValue1 )


Variable Value 1: 50

Example: Multiple Constants in One Line

import Foundation

// Declaring multiple constants with the same type
let myValue1, myValue2, myValue3: Int

// Assigning values
myValue1 = 23
myValue2 = 22
myValue3 = 11

print("Constant 1:", myValue1)
print("Constant 2:", myValue2)
print("Constant 3:", myValue3)


Constant 1: 23
Constant 2: 22
Constant 3: 11

Naming Constants in Swift

When naming a constant, you must follow Swift’s naming rules to avoid errors.

  • ✔️ Can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_)
  • ✔️ Can contain Unicode characters (let 你好 = "你好世界")
  • ✔️ Must begin with a letter or underscore (_)
  • ✔️ Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct (let value ≠ let Value)
  • ✔️ If using a reserved keyword, enclose it in backticks (` `):
  • let `var` = "hello"  // ✅ Allowed
    print(`var`)         // Output: hello
  • Invalid Constant Names:
    • ❌ Cannot start with a number (let 1number = 10)
    • ❌ Cannot contain spaces or special symbols (let my value = 42)
    • ❌ Cannot redeclare a constant with the same name
    • ❌ Cannot change a constant into a variable (var)

Printing Constants in Swift

You can print constants using print() or use string interpolation for better formatting.


import Foundation

// Declaring constant
let name = "Swift"
let version = 5.9

// Using string interpolation
print ( "Value of The programming language\(name) is at version \(version) million" )


The programming language Swift is at version 5.9.

Understanding Swift - Literals

What are Literals?

Literals are fixed values written directly in Swift source code. They represent numbers, characters, strings, or Boolean values.

For example:

  • 34 → Integer literals
  • 23.45 → Floating-point literals
  • "Hello" → String literals
  • true → Boolean literals

Literals cannot be modified, but you can store them in variables or constants to perform operations.

Types of Swift Literals

1. Integer Literals

Used to represent whole numbers. You can specify both positive and negative values.

let positiveNumber = 10
let negativeNumber = -10

Integer Literal Types:

No Type Prefix Example
1 Decimal (Base 10) None 34
2 Binary (Base 2) 0b 0b1011
3 Octal (Base 8) 0o 0o53
4 Hexadecimal (Base 16) 0x 0xFF


Integer Literals in Swift

let decimalNumber = 90
let binaryNumber = 0b1011
let octalNumber = 0o53
let hexNumber = 0xFF




Swift - Floating-Point Literals

A floating-point literal represents a number with a fractional component (decimal or exponential form).

For example:

  • 34.567 (Decimal floating-point)
  • 1.243e4 (Exponential notation)
  • 0xC.3p0 (Hexadecimal floating-point)

Types of Floating-Point Literals in Swift

Type Example Explanation
Decimal Floating-Point 12.1875 Normal decimal numbers
Exponential Notation 1.243e4 Equivalent to 1.243 × 10^4 = 12430
Hexadecimal Floating-Point 0xC.3p0 Uses base 16, p represents exponent

Example: Floating-Point Literals in Swift

import Foundation

// Decimal floating-point literal
let num1 = 89.3
print("Decimal Float: \(num1) ")

// Exponential notation floating-point literal
let num2 = 3.5e3
print("Binary Float: \(num2) ")

// Hexadecimal floating-point literal
let num3 = 0x3p-3
print("Hexadecimal Float: \(num3) ")


Decimal Float: .89.3
Exponential Float: 3500.0
Hexadecimal Float:0.375

Swift - String Literals

A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes ("...").

Types of String Literals in Swift:

  • Single-line string"Hello, Swift!"
  • Multi-line string"""This is a multi-line string"""
  • String with escape sequences"Line break\nTab\tQuote: \" "

Single-Line String Literals

Used for regular one-line text enclosed in double quotes ("...").

Multi-Line String Literals

Use triple double-quotes ("""...""") to span multiple lines.

import Foundation

// Single-line string
let singleLineString = "Hello, Swift!"
print("Single-line string: \(singleLineString)")

// Multi-line string
let multiLineString = """
This is a multi-line string
print("Multi-line string: \(multiLineString)")


Single-line string: Hello, Swift!
Multi-line string: This is a multi-line string

Escape Sequences in Strings

Escape sequences allow special characters inside string literals.

Escape Sequence Description Example Output
\n Newline Hello\nWorld → Hello World
\t Horizontal Tab Name:\tSwift → Name: Swift
\\ Backslash (\) C:\\Users\\Documents
\" Double Quote (") "This is a \"quote\"."
\' Single Quote (') 'Swift\'s power'
\0 Null Character Not commonly used
\u{1F60A} Unicode Character (Emoji) "Smile: \u{1F60A}" 😊

Example: Using Escape Sequences in a String

import Foundation

// String with special characters and escape sequences
let specialChars = "Swift:\n\t\"Fast Safe\"\n\t\\Powerful\\"


    "Fast & Safe"

Swift - Boolean

Boolean literals represent true or false values in Swift. They are mainly used for conditional statements and logic operations.

Boolean Values in Swift

There are only two Boolean literals in Swift:

  • true
  • false

let isSwiftAwesome = true
let isJavaBetter = false

print("Swift is awesome: \(isSwiftAwesome)")
print("Java is better than Swift: \(isJavaBetter)")


Swift is awesome: true
Java is better than Swift: false

Comments in Swift

Comments are ignored by the compiler and used for documentation and code explanation.

Swift Supports Three Types of Comments:

  • Single-line comments (//)
  • Multi-line comments (/* ... */)
  • Nested multi-line comments (/* /* ... */ */)

Single Line Comment

A single-line comment is used to add only one-liner text in the code. A single-line comment begins with double forward slashes (//). The compiler or interpreter always ignores them and does not affect the execution of the program.

Multi-Line Comment in Swift

Multi-line comments are used to display multiple lines of non-executable text in the program to explain the working to the specific line of code or to add warnings, notes, etc. by the developers. Like other programming languages, in Swift, the multi-line comments begin with a forward slash followed by an asterisk(/*) and end with an asterisk followed by the forward-slash (*/).

Nested Multi-Line Comment in Swift

Starting from Swift 4 a new feature is also included in the multi-line comment that is nested multi-line comment. Now you are allowed to nest or add a multi-line comment inside another multi-line comment. It can easily comment out many blocks, even if the block contains multi-line comments.


// This is a single-line comment

/* This is a multi-line comment
It spans multiple lines */

/* Outer multi-line comment
/* Nested multi-line comment */
Back to the outer comment */

import Foundation

// Function to add two numbers
func addNumbers(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b

let result = addNumbers(a: 5, b: 10)
print("Sum: \(result)")


Sum: 15