Understanding Arithmetic Operators

Introduction to Arithmetic Operators in Swift

Arithmetic operators are essential tools in Swift, allowing developers to perform fundamental mathematical operations on numeric data types such as integers and floating-point numbers. These operators are crucial for computations in programming, providing a simple and efficient way to manipulate numbers.

Swift ensures safety by preventing arithmetic overflow by default. However, if you require overflow behavior, Swift provides overflow operators.

List of Arithmetic Operators in Swift

Operator Name Example
+ Addition 20 + 30 = 50
- Subtraction 30 - 4 = 26
* Multiplication 3 * 4 = 12
/ Division 12 / 6 = 2
% Remainder (Modulus) 12 % 2 = 0

Addition Operator (+) in Swift

The addition operator adds two numerical values or concatenates two strings.


var result = value1 + value2

Example: Adding Numeric Values

import Foundation

let num1 = 45.3
let num2 = 23.5
let result1 = num1 + num2
print("Sum of \(num1) and \(num2) is \(result1) ")


Sum of 45.3 and 23.5 is 68.8

Subtraction Operator (-) in Swift

The subtraction operator calculates the difference between two numbers.


var result = value1 - value2


import Foundation

let num1 = 25.8
let num2 = 12.4
let result1 = num1 - num2
print("Difference: \(result1) ")


Difference: 13.4

Division Operator (/) in Swift

The division operator divides one numeric value by another.


var result = value1 / value2


import Foundation

let num1 = 34.5
let num2 = 3.2
let result1 = num1 / num2
print("Result: \(result1) ")


Result: 10.78125

Multiplication Operator (*) in Swift

The multiplication operator calculates the product of two numbers.


var result = value1 * value2


import Foundation

let num1 = 34.5
let num2 = 3.2
let result1 = num1 * num2
print("Product: \(result1)")


Product: 110.4

Remainder Operator (%) in Swift

The remainder operator finds the remainder of a division operation.


var result = value1 % value2


import Foundation

let num1 = -18
let num2 = 7
let result1 = num1 % num2
print("Remainder: \(result1) ")


Remainder: -4